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x735 software | Geekworm

x735 software

  • trying to install x735 v2.5 software on RPI 4 - 64 gb and have run into a problem, see below. Not sure what to do as I cant get the cooling fan to work?

    pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt-get install pigpio python-pigpio python3-pigpio git clone

    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information... Done
    E: Unable to locate package clone
    E: Unable to locate package
    E: Couldn't find any package by glob ''
    E: Couldn't find any package by regex ''

    If I run seperately I get:

    pi@raspberrypi:~ $ git clone

    -bash: git: command not found

    What should I be typing?

  • Needed to install git... 


  • Originally I purchased an x829 with the x735 hat. I did get it working but a couple of days later I received my X708-A1 battery holder and the x708 hat.

    I fully assembled the unit with the x829 on the bottom, the x708-A1 next  the RPI4 and topped off with x708 power management hat.

    I purchased from Amazon a USB 3.0 powered hub, a longer USB cable to connect the x829 into the RPI4. However I waiting for the longer 2.54mm Jumper cable, should get them today.

    The problem I'm having is I can not remove the x735 software.

    sudo ./

    I get: sudo ./ command not found?

    Also may system has been shutting down on it's own, even when in the middle of typing a command.



  • Sorry for adding a second post, but due to the pandemic, it takes a long time, after it gets to the States, so ordered a lager coolong fan from Amazon, see attached photo:


    Amazon 5VDC 1.8A Fan

    It is a DV:5v fan drawing 0.18 A. but when I plug it into any of the 5v it does not work.

    Also my RPI4 just rebooted on it's own as I was typing this.

    Any help would be appreciated.




  • Hello,Brent

    could you please send some installation pictures by email?  and please tell us your order number.thanks.

    Best regards

  • Did you find any info out ? 

  • My x735 v2.5 software on RPI 4 - 64 gb run for angry gran is ok and there is no problem.

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