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Raspberry Pi 4 WiFi not working with X857, X872 and X735 | Geekworm

Raspberry Pi 4 WiFi not working with X857, X872 and X735

  • As the title says when using my Raspberry Pi 4 with X857, X872 and X735 the Wi-Fi doesn't connect to anything, I tried both 2.4 and 5 GHz, they are detected correctly but it just doesn't connect.

    I tried moving closer to the router and using my phone hotspot but it doesn't change a thing.

    Ethernet works flawlessly but I still need Wi-Fi.

    locale and wpa_supplicant are configured correctly, I've reinstalled the Raspberry Pi OS just be sure but that didn't help.

    I also tried using small monitor resolutions and even disconnect completely the monitor to rule out HDMI interferences but it didn't work.

    Might be that either the X872 or the X735 are interfering with it? That would be extremely disappointing since they're also shown together in the Wiki as a working solution.

  • Hi,

    This is the EMC brought by USB 3, you can refer to;

    Normally, 5G AP can be connected.

    Try to cover the copper foil paper on the USB connector and X872 surface?




  • I tried wrapping the whole X872 board but it doesn't even boot that way, probably it shorts something, so I tried wrapping it in a more careful way, it booted but nothing changes. Also I don't feel this is a good nor safe solution.

    I've also found this review on Amazon that describes my identical problem:

    I decided I'll return everything and go with some other solution, this is not worth my time.

  • @Ugo Tognazzi You can add the X862 to the list. I spent 2 days tracking down what the issue was. Frustrating!

  • @Ugo Tognazzi Apparently, there is some mention of this problem over in the blog:

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