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x710 x100off script and safe shutdown do not work with jumper 1-3 on | Geekworm

x710 x100off script and safe shutdown do not work with jumper 1-3 on

  • Hello

    Pi2b + OS Buster last version + last fixes

    X710 script installed

    Jumper on 1-3 for automatic boot after power recovery

    Problems: it does not work with jumper set in 1-3:

    1/ x710off does not work: it displays "X710 Shutting down" but it don't do it

    2/ when pressing i.e. 4s on the button, it does not go to safe shutdown, no slow blinking

    3/ when powering up with DC jack, the fan starts, the pi boots, but the led blue remains off. I presume it shall be

    4/ by pressing 1-2s, it does not reboot with rapid blinking

    but, with the jumper 1-3 off: everything runs perfectly, incluing script.

    Thank you


  • Sorry my Pi is a PI 3 B and not 2B

  • Hi, 'AUTO ON' mean the x710 will AUTO POWR ON when the AC main power supply is connected, so the external switch is disable when 'AUTO ON'

  • @Harry Huang 

    I was not talking  about external switch but the PCB switch . it simply does not work



  • I am having a similar issue. I don't have any jumpers on the function header. I have the external momentary switch connected. I can power on or hard power off, the reboot and soft power down do not work.

    I am unable to install the software, not that I should need to as I am not trying to power down through the software.

  • @Thomas P 

    Hi, when AUTO ON is enabled, the safe shutdown function no longer works.





  • We will update the X735 on the next bulk, will solve this question.

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