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X1203 UPS Voltage Drops | Geekworm

X1203 UPS Voltage Drops

  •  X1203 with two x 2 battery packs on Pi5.  I'm seeing voltage drops to the Pi under various loads that will drop to 4.9 or so and often trigger the Pi Low Voltage threshold warning.  This will occur both with and without the battery packs connected.  Without the UPS connected the Pi reported input voltage is very steady (5.12 to 5.14) despite running various stress tests.  There are no heavy loads attached to the Pi (a self powered external HDD and a system NVME board) and I'm using a authorized pi5 power supply (that works fine directly into the Pi).  I'm using vcgencmd pmic_read_adc EXT5V_V to measure the input voltage seen by the Pi.  As soon as I start a stress test with the UPS, voltage drops to 5 or less - does not happen without the UPS

    Hopeing for a solution or cause as I do not like getting low voltage warnings!  

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