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Pi5 X1001 Shield and Aliminium Case | Geekworm

Pi5 X1001 Shield and Aliminium Case

  • Hi Just let you know, I had a pimoroni shield fpr a ssd but wanted it in a box, so brought from amazon the Geek shield and the case, as the ssd and Pi was working with the pimoroni shield all I did was swapped everything over to the X1001 and powered it up all worked so I shut down and put everything into the box it is also fitted with the cooler and fan and I also squeezed in the little save settings battery.  So much better than having everyting exposed I had tried the Argon case but I could not get it to work. So Thanks Geekworm. Very Happy.


  • @Dave Kemplen

    Thanks for your feedback, some pictures would be appreciated!

  • @Dave Kemplen geometry dash lite Sounds like a neat solution for protecting your Pi and SSD. I agree, having everything enclosed in a case is much better than having it exposed.

  • @doodle baseball The Geekworm X1001 shield and case seem to have provided a more organized and protected solution for your SSD and Pi compared to having everything exposed. 

  • @Retro Bowl This solution is the best to protect your Pi and SSD

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