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C790 Latency | Geekworm

C790 Latency

  • Hello, how much latency can i expect from the HDMI to CSI-2 Module with Toshiba TC358743XBG chip C790 ? Thank you

  • Hello, the HDMI to CSI-2 module with the Toshiba TC358743XBG chip generally has a latency of around 1-2 frames. This latency can vary based on the specific configuration and the processing capabilities of the system it’s integrated with. For most applications, this translates to approximately 16-33 milliseconds at 60 fps, but it could vary slightly.

    If you’re integrating it with a Raspberry Pi, additional processing time on the device may add a bit more latency depending on your setup and any additional processing applied to the video feed.

    @snow rider

  • @togetherthinking13 Do you know if the latency will be reduced if the input hdmi stream is monochrome rather than color?

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