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Gemini NASPi - RAID0/1 verify | Geekworm

Gemini NASPi - RAID0/1 verify

  • Hi all,

    I've recently set up a 3.5" RAID1 board, OS is installed, RAID switch is set, partition is formatted and I can use the drive as I wish.

    I'm using Raspbian OS Lite 64 bit + Openmediavault , and I can see only the /dev/sda as expected.

    I've experienced an issue for now, where the /dev/sdb is now presented by the OS (fdisk -l ), and there's no content in it in terms of files and directories. I did a reboot and the drive was back to /dev/sda with the content in.

    So, behaviour a part, I am concerned about the RAID1 process, as I believe is not working. How can I verify that?

    Board scripts are installed and working.

  • @Gianni D'Alonzo Hi,
    We haven't specifically tested OMV, but the OMV system itself supports software RAID. It can be set to PM mode and try the OMV software RAID. 
    If you want to test (NASPi Gemini 3.5)X885's hardware RAID, you can connect it to a Windows PC for testing. 
    However, it is important to correctly set up the RAID. Please refe to:
    best regards,

  • @Cindy Ding Thanks for the reply!

    Yes, OMV supports RAID, but the reason I took the NASPI board is also because of the hardware RAID provided, so by Geekworm docs I shorted the RAID switch to RAID1 position (I wanted to mirror the 2 SATA 3.5"). I can see infact one drive seen by the OS (it's raspbian), the /dev/sda. I guess I would like a software feature, or a script, I can use to verify the HW configured, on the way the Fan or poweroff support is provided.

    Or is the suggestion to actually use the AON (open) position to map both disks and leave the RAID to OMV?

  • There was no follow up on this topic, but the system is configured with RAID1 since a few weeks now, and I've the case when the OS is showing /dev/sdb instead of /dev/sda as mounted disk, and it results empty. The HW RAID1 is definitely NOT doing its job. What am I doing wrong? Or how can I check if the RAID1 is effectively working?

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