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x708 software power shutdown | Geekworm

x708 software power shutdown

  • Thought i would ask another question regarding bluetooth...i seem to be having difficulty connecting to a bluetooth keyboard. The only way i can get it to connect is to have the keyboard directly above it and it will work, as soon as i move away a few feet it somehow loses connection :/ i;ve downloaded the blueman GUI and i get the same issues. 

    Any quick fixes for this?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Hi,

    I've installed the script and hashtagged all the lines that were in rc.local apart from the last 3. It looks like the shutdown part works after 30 seconds when i pull the power adapter out but the x708 fan and power still remain on along with the main blue power button on the case with the 2 blue leds's at bottom and the red led above to the right with the left being off. The only way i can shutdown is to hold for several seconds to turn the system completely this correct?

    Are there any other files you want me to post up here for you to look at? should i reformat and start again?


  • @james mutch 

    My script posted yesterday should turn the pi AND the x708 off. Hence something else is amiss.

    The rc.local file should only contain:

    echo ds1307 0x68 > /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-1/new_device
    hwclock -s
    exit 0

    Another thing:

    You did reboot, didn't you? Have you checked has 755 permission?


  • i've already done the sudo chmod 755 with file. Is there a way to double check it does have permission? i have also done the reboot after everything you suggest but the x708 does not shut off. when i click on shutdown from the main menu, all it does is go to black screen with cursor flashing top left of screen then nothing afterwards apart from the x708 still being powered.

    i don't want to reformat and start again as i've wasted alot of time on this setup, which i seem to be getting knowhere. Not only is it not performing as i would like i also have bluetooth issues with connecting keyboards. This has been a bad experience compared to normal Mac/PC setups which im more tech savvy with.

    If i do start again do i need to start from your first post or start from when you replied to me?


  • @james mutch 

    Hi James

    The issue here is that what you want to achieve and what i have achieved are two completely different things.


    I don't press any buttons or click on anything. I just pull the power adaptor out of the socket.

    My script should point you in the right direction only. Executing the script would shut it down if you have an RPI 3+ with buster installed. If you have any other peripherals (SSD, power button, etc) attached then it may not work as the pin I have used may need to be changed.

    Hope this helps.

  • Hi George,

    Thanks for your patience. 

    Because i have a different setup from yours i'm assuming this could be the problem. Your script does work when you pull the power plug out to th extent that the pi shuts down, it's just that the x708 is still powered. I done a full reformat and started with your latest code that you posted in here but i'm still having the same issue. I don't know if i'm doing something wrong or like you say with the additional peripherals, that being the HDD drive, UPS & the external power switch supposedly to turn this off/on when required :/ 

    the only thing i don't have installed (i think) is buster! I done the recommended full install. Will this make a difference rather than using raspberry pi OS or is it all built in? (confused again) If all else fails then i don't see how geekworm can sell this setup if it doesn't function properly :/ I expected more from geekworm moderators for more in depth to these issues. It seems we are not the only ones who are experiencing this problem. 

    The pi 4 seems to be riddled with issues and another frustrating one is the use of bluetooth devices ie. wireless keyboards. I cannot go further than 2 feet away without it disconnecting and going wonky :/

    Any other help or suggestions is appreciated.


  • Hi George,

    I ran through this thread and the x708 software wiki page and started again. Your script works when i pull the power adapter from my case and the x708 shuts down :)

    Is there anyway to have this work with the x829 case power button, so that when i press the button it safely shuts down? What is the reason for the boot delay being 15 seconds? do i need this?

    Thanks :)

  • Hi

    I need this solution for my car, also. But i have a X728.
    Script seems to works ok, but if i study the behavior on shutdown, the X728 shuts down BEFORE the PI. That is no good.

    Running Buster, all upgraded.

    What i dont understand, is how can a script call for OS shutdown, and afterward turn off another hardware? Is it even possible?

  • @Mikal Jenssen same problem, the X728 shuts down BEFORE the PI. You solved?

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