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x1009 low power | Geekworm

x1009 low power

  • Setup: 

    Raspberry pi 5 8gb

    x1009 hat

    Usb ssd with OS

    12v 10a PSU


    Ive connected gpio pins and pcie ffc

    On system boot appears low power alert which shutdown whole setup

    Try to edit config and eepromP



    Nothing helps

    Try raspbian64 and ubuntu

    Try boot from usb and sd card

    Same result

  • Here voltages from terminal

    (Voltmeter says there are 5.05v and 3.33v)


  • @Slither io You can use a better 12V -> 5V converter: X1009 HAT converts from 12V to 5V, but if it is not stable, try another DC-DC converter with stable 5V 5A current.

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