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X820 SATA HDD/SSD Storage Expansion Board | Geekworm

X820 SATA HDD/SSD Storage Expansion Board

  • This expansion board clearly shows that it is for the Raspberry Pi, however i am wondering will this also work for the Beaglebone Black rev.C? .. i understand the mounting holes will not line up, as i can tell this expansion board allows access to the hard drive threw the USB, making it compatable with a number of other micro controlers, as for the power supply that would be another question as well..

    i have been trying to find answers about using this with the Beaglebone Black for some time now with no luck so if any one may have any pros or cons on this it would be greatly appreciated.


    thank you


  • Hi friend,
    In theory, if Beaglebone  black can recognize an external USB device, it can recognize X820.
    Sorry that we do not have a Beaglebone Black board to do the test.
    Best regards,

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