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Assembly question | Geekworm

Assembly question

  • Hello,
    can I mount all of these cards above my Raspberry Pi 4

    • X735
    • X728
    • X862

    If so I need to buy some mounting parts to screw these cards together?

    Kind regards, Fredrik

  • Hello,

    x735 and x728 cannot be used at the same time.  you can use     

    1. X735 Power management board + X862 ;

    2. X728 UPS + X862;

    3. X708 UPS with cooling fan + X862

    If need a metal case:

    X735 Power management board+ X862 + X857-C3   

    X708 UPS + X862 + X857-C3

  • X735 Power management board+ X862 + X857-C3    survivor io

    X708 UPS + X862 + X857-C3

    I got it. Thanks for your sharing.

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