Dear Sirs,
I have 2 boards ( and trying to implement HDMI capture on my Raspberry PI 3, including sound capture via I2S interface present on Adapter Board.
I'm using manuals from Raspberry PI public community, but both me and community face the problem with I2S on your boards:
Exactly my problem is described by me here: , I'll quote it bellow:
Namely it looks like it works fine, BUT I observe strange behaviour of I2S output and NO SOUND:
1. Video from my laptop's hdmi output displays fine e.g. 720p50.
2. Sound device via HDMI is present in volume control, sound protperties etc. of my laptop as Toshiba-H2C device.
3.When trying to change rate (48000,44100,32000) via MS Windows control panel I see thatCode: Select all
v4l2-ctl -l
shows me correct rate that TC358743 chip sees on it's input.
The problem is that on Oversample Frequency output I see strange value 1.652MHz and about 6.5kHz on WFS (left/right selection signal, which should be exactly equal to rate e.g.48kHz) Waveform and frequency are controlled by oscilloscope and clear square pulses are present.
Also no data on serial data output of I2S is present.
Could you provide schematics or PCB routing for mentioned adapter in order community be able to implement full I2S for your boards or please confirm that there is no I2S support there and HDMI sound capture is impossible due to specific PCB routing or schematics.
Illia V. Davydov