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X735 Power Button Script and Booting from USB | Geekworm

X735 Power Button Script and Booting from USB

  • I have a question regarding setup of X735 power button script when combined with booting from USB.  I may already know the answer but want to ask first.

    I tried setting up computer to boot from USB (I have X872 shield component with NVMe SSD).  I used the steps on Tom's Hardware and this works fine.  But when I set up power button script for momentary switch in the case (I have X857-C1) it does not work completely.  Turning on and powering off works.  Rebooting using button or software fails.  I see a message on startup that the SD card cannot be found and the system enters a 20 second cycle to try booting again which also fails.  Only way to start computer is to completely power off and power on.

    I am wonder if I should set up power button on SD card first; then perform steps to boot from USB.  The script for power button was written before code that enables booting from USB.

    Please give me feedback.  I will try what I described in the meantime and update results.


  • @Sterling Crapser 

    Hi, try to see here: 500ms may be too short for usb port-power reset

    Or check your hardware connection?





  • @Harry Huang 

    Hello Harry,

    Thank you for the information.  It was exactly what I needed.  I made the changes and the reboot now works fine (started by button or software).

    I do have one further question:

    When I power off using the operating system's "Shutdown" option, the power to the case remains on.  I must shut down the power separately.  I'm assuming this is because the Raspian OS is not interacting with the X735 and would need a custom script or something.  Is this correct?

    It's not a big deal...I'm curious.

    Thanks so much for your help!

  • @Sterling Crapser 

    Your understand is right.

    Only press the button of X735 to supports safe shutdown.



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